Get all time entries
Field | Possible values | Description |
_id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier |
type | String (call or empty) | Indicates wether the time entry is assigned to a call |
start | Date | Start date of the time entry |
end | Date | End date of the time entry (empty if time tracking is active) |
taskId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the task on which this time entry was created |
userId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user assigned to this time entry |
hourlyRate | Decimal | Hourly rate which was applied to this time entry |
costRate | Decimal | Cost rate which was applied to this time entry |
duration | Decimal | Duration of the time entry in minutes |
billed | Boolean | Indicates wether this time entry is marked as billed |
comment | String | Comment of this time entry |
createdAt | Date | When was this time entry created |
createdBy | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user who has created this time entry |
contactId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the contact assigned to the task of this time entry |
projectId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the project assigned to the task of this time entry |
listId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the project list assigned to the task of this time entry |
serviceId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the service assigned to the task of this time entry |
contactName | String | Name of the contact assigned to the task of this time entry |
projectName | String | Name of the project assigned to the task of this time entry |
taskName | String | Name of the task of this time entry |
serviceName | String | Name of the service assigned to the task of this time entry |
userName | String | Name of the user of this time entry |
projectCompleted | Boolean | Completion state of the project assigned to the task of this time entry |
taskCompleted | Boolean | Completion state of the task of this time entry |
costs | Decimal | Calculated field: (duration / 60) * costRate |
revenue | Decimal | Calculated field: (duration / 60) * hourlyRate |
profit | Decimal | Calculated field: revenue - costs |