Get all time entries

FieldPossible valuesDescription
_idString (17 characters long)Unique identifier
typeString (call or empty)Indicates wether the time entry is assigned to a call
startDateStart date of the time entry
endDateEnd date of the time entry
(empty if time tracking is active)
taskIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the task on which this time entry was created
userIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user assigned to this time entry
hourlyRateDecimalHourly rate which was applied to this time entry
costRateDecimalCost rate which was applied to this time entry
durationDecimalDuration of the time entry in minutes
billedBooleanIndicates wether this time entry is marked as billed
commentStringComment of this time entry
createdAtDateWhen was this time entry created
createdByString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user who has created this time entry
contactIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the contact assigned to the task of this time entry
projectIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the project assigned to the task of this time entry
listIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the project list assigned to the task of this time entry
serviceIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the service assigned to the task of this time entry
contactNameStringName of the contact assigned to the task of this time entry
projectNameStringName of the project assigned to the task of this time entry
taskNameStringName of the task of this time entry
serviceNameStringName of the service assigned to the task of this time entry
userNameStringName of the user of this time entry
projectCompletedBooleanCompletion state of the project assigned to the task of this time entry
taskCompletedBooleanCompletion state of the task of this time entry
costsDecimalCalculated field: (duration / 60) * costRate
revenueDecimalCalculated field: (duration / 60) * hourlyRate
profitDecimalCalculated field: revenue - costs
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