Get all contacts
With the "Get Contacts" endpoint you can receive all your created entries from your TeamGrid address book. You can filter by companies and individuals.
Field | Possible values | Description |
_id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier |
type | company or person | Indicates the type of the contact |
customerId | String | individual identifier of the contact |
gender | male or female (only available if type is person ) | Gender of the person |
salutation | String (only available if type is person ) | Academic title of the person |
firstname | String (only available if type is person ) | Firstname(s) of the person |
lastname | String (only available if type is person ) | Lastname of the person |
birthday | Date (only available if type is person ) | Birthday of the person |
companyTitle | String (only available if type is company ) | Name of the company |
emails | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Email addresses of the contact |
emails.$.type | private , business or other | Type of the email |
emails.$.email | String | Email address |
phoneNumbers | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Phone numbers of the contact |
phoneNumbers.$.type | mobile , landline , business , fax , direct or other | Type of the phone number |
phoneNumbers.$.number | String | Phone number |
addresses | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Addresses of the contact |
addresses.$.type | private , business or other | Type of the address |
addresses.$.address | Object (see below for sub fields) | Address |
addresses.$.address.fullAddress | String | Concatenated values of the address |
addresses.$ | Number | Latitude |
addresses.$.address.lng | Number | Longitude |
addresses.$.address.street | String | Street |
addresses.$.address.street_number | String | House number |
addresses.$ | String | City |
addresses.$.address.state | String | State |
addresses.$ | String | Zip code |
addresses.$ | String | Country |
websites | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Websites of the contact |
websites.$.type | private , business or other | Type of the website |
websites.$.url | String | Url of the website |
socialNetworks | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Accounts of the contact in social networks |
socialNetworks.$.type | facebook , twitter , linkedin or xing | Type of the social network |
socialNetworks.$.username | String | Username in the social network |
companies | Object[] (only available if type is person ; see below for sub fields) | Companies linked to the person |
companies.$.companyId | String (17 characters long) | Reference to the _id of the company contact |
companies.$.position | String | Position of the person at this company |
companies.$.phone | String | Phone number of the person at this company |
companies.$.email | String | Email address of the person at this company |
companies.$.address | see addresses (without the type | Address of the person at this company |
billing | Object (see below for sub fields) | Billing settings |
billing.accounting | Object (see below for sub fields) | Accounting settings |
billing.accounting.type | Number | Type of the accounting configuration for this contact.0 : by service1 : by person2 : by hourlyRate (see billing.accounting.hourlyRate )3 : none |
billing.accounting.hourlyRate | Number | Hourly rate for this contact. Only applies if billing.accounting.type is 2 |
billing.budget | Object (see below for sub fields) | Budget settings |
billing.budget.type | Number | Type of the budget configuration of this contact.0 : by hours1 : by fees4 : hours per month5 : fees per month100 : none |
billing.budget.hours | Number | Budget in hours. Only applies if billing.budget.type is 0 or 4 |
billing.budget.fees | Number | Budget in fees. Only applies if billing.budget.type is 1 or 5 |
billing.users | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Custom accounting configuration by users |
billing.users.$.userId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user |
billing.users.$.hourlyRate | Number | If this user create time entries assigned to the contact, this hourly rate will be applied | | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Custom accounting configuration by services |$.serviceId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the service |$.billable | Boolean | Indicates wether time entries, assigned to the contact and this service are billable |$.hourlyRate | Number | If a user create time entries assigned to the contact and this service, this hourly rate will be applied |
createdAt | Date | When was the contact created |
createdBy | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user who created this contact |