Get all tasks

FieldPossible valuesDescription
_idString (17 characters long)Unique identifier
nameStringDisplay name of the task.
descriptionStringTask description.
dueDateDateDue date of the task.
plannedStartDatePlanned start of the task
plannedEndDatePlanned end of the task
plannedTimeNumberPlanned time of this task in minutes.
serviceIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the service assigned to this task.
projectIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the project assigned to this task.
contactIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the contact assigned to this task.
personalListIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the personal list to which this task is assigned to.
personalListOrderNumberOrder in the personal list to which this task is assigned to.
listIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the project list to which this task is assigned to.
listOrderNumberOrder in the project list to which this task is assigned to.
duplicateOfString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the task of which this task is a duplicate.
orderNumberOrder in the column of the user to which this task is assigned to.
userIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user assigned to this task.
groupIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the group assigned to this task.
tagIdsString[] (each is 17 characters long)Unique identifiers of the tags assigned to this task.
subscriberIdsString[] (each is 17 characters long)Unique identifiers of the users whose are subscribed to this task.
completedBooleanIndicates wether this task is completed or not.
subTasksObject[] (see below for sub fields)Checklist entries of this task.
subTasks.$.titleStringDisplay name of this checklist entry.
subTasks.$.completedBooleanIndicates wether this checklist entry is completed or not.
subTasks.$.orderNumberOrder of the checklist entry.
infoObject (see below for sub fields)Pre-aggregated information
info.timeBillableNumberBillable time in seconds
info.timeNotBillableNumberNot billable time in seconds
info.totalTimeNumberTotal tracked time in seconds
info.remainingTimeNumberRemaining time of this task
info.costsNumberCosts of tracked time
info.revenueNumberRevenue of tracked time
info.profitNumberProfit of tracked time
info.contactNameStringName of assigned customer
info.projectNameStringName of assigned project
info.listNameStringName of assigned list
info.serviceNameStringName of assigned service
info.userNameStringName of assigned user
info.scheduledStartDateCalculated scheduled start of the task
info.scheduledEndDateCalculated scheduled end of the task
createdAtDateWhen was the task created.
createdByString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user who created this task.
scheduledWorkObject (see below for sub fields)Scheduled work of the task (only included, if the query parameter includeScheduledWork is set to true)
scheduledWork.userIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user for whom the work is scheduled.
scheduledWork.minutesNumberAmount of minutes which are scheduled on this date.
scheduledWork.dateDateDay, for which the work is scheduled
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