Get all tasks
Field | Possible values | Description |
_id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier |
name | String | Display name of the task. |
description | String | Task description. |
dueDate | Date | Due date of the task. |
plannedStart | Date | Planned start of the task |
plannedEnd | Date | Planned end of the task |
plannedTime | Number | Planned time of this task in minutes. |
serviceId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the service assigned to this task. |
projectId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the project assigned to this task. |
contactId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the contact assigned to this task. |
personalListId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the personal list to which this task is assigned to. |
personalListOrder | Number | Order in the personal list to which this task is assigned to. |
listId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the project list to which this task is assigned to. |
listOrder | Number | Order in the project list to which this task is assigned to. |
duplicateOf | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the task of which this task is a duplicate. |
order | Number | Order in the column of the user to which this task is assigned to. |
userId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user assigned to this task. |
groupId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the group assigned to this task. |
tagIds | String[] (each is 17 characters long) | Unique identifiers of the tags assigned to this task. |
subscriberIds | String[] (each is 17 characters long) | Unique identifiers of the users whose are subscribed to this task. |
completed | Boolean | Indicates wether this task is completed or not. |
subTasks | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Checklist entries of this task. |
subTasks.$.title | String | Display name of this checklist entry. |
subTasks.$.completed | Boolean | Indicates wether this checklist entry is completed or not. |
subTasks.$.order | Number | Order of the checklist entry. |
info | Object (see below for sub fields) | Pre-aggregated information |
info.timeBillable | Number | Billable time in seconds |
info.timeNotBillable | Number | Not billable time in seconds |
info.totalTime | Number | Total tracked time in seconds |
info.remainingTime | Number | Remaining time of this task |
info.costs | Number | Costs of tracked time |
info.revenue | Number | Revenue of tracked time |
info.profit | Number | Profit of tracked time |
info.contactName | String | Name of assigned customer |
info.projectName | String | Name of assigned project |
info.listName | String | Name of assigned list |
info.serviceName | String | Name of assigned service |
info.userName | String | Name of assigned user |
info.scheduledStart | Date | Calculated scheduled start of the task |
info.scheduledEnd | Date | Calculated scheduled end of the task |
createdAt | Date | When was the task created. |
createdBy | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user who created this task. |
scheduledWork | Object (see below for sub fields) | Scheduled work of the task (only included, if the query parameter includeScheduledWork is set to true ) |
scheduledWork.userId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user for whom the work is scheduled. |
scheduledWork.minutes | Number | Amount of minutes which are scheduled on this date. | | Date | Day, for which the work is scheduled |