Get all project templates
With the "Get Lists" endpoint you receive all your created task lists from projects, lists in the projects grid view or personal "My Tasks" lists.
Field | Possible values | Description |
_id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier |
title | String | Display title of this template |
description | String | Description of this template |
originProjectId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the project from which this template was created |
color | String | Hex color code of this template |
data | Object (see below for sub fields) | Template data |
data.project | Object (see /projects fields] | Project data of this template |
data.lists | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Lists and content of this template |
data.lists.$.noList | Boolean | Indicates wether this list is the list of tasks named "Tasks without list" |
data.lists.$.name | String (empty if noList is true ) | Name of the list |
data.lists.$.order | Number (empty if noList is true ) | Order of the list |
data.lists.$.subscriberIds | String[] (17 characters long; empty if noList is true ) | userIds of the subscribers of the list |
data.lists.$.sorting | Object | Sorting of the list |
data.lists.$.sorting.field | String (createdAt , dueDate or _details.remainingTime.current ) | Field by which the tasks in the list are sorted |
data.lists.$.sorting.direction | Number (1 or -1 ) | Sorting direction of the tasks |
data.lists.$.showProgress | Boolean | Indicates wether the progress should be displayed on the list |
data.lists.$.tasks | Object[] (see /tasks fields) | Array of tasks in this list |
createdAt | Date | When was the template created |
createdBy | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user who created this template |