Get the team
Field | Possible values | Description |
_id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier |
name | String | Display name of the team |
contactId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the company contact of this team |
users | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Users of this team |
users.$.userId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user |
users.$.contactId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the person contact assigned to this user |
users.$.costRate | Number | Hourly cost rate of this user |
users.$.roleId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the role assigned to this user |
users.$.currentTaskId | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the task on which the user in currently working on |
users.$.workingHours | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Configured working hours of the user |
users.$.workingHours.$.weekday | Number (0-6) | Weekday (Monday = 0) |
users.$.workingHours.$.start | Number | Start in Minutes, starting by 00:00. Example: 540 = 09:00 |
users.$.workingHours.$.end | Number | End in Minutes, starting by 00:00. Example: 1080 = 18:00 |
roles | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Roles defined in this team |
roles.$._id | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the role |
roles.$.name | String | Display name of this role |
roles.$.description | String | Description of this role |
roles.$.permissions | String[] (see example for possible values) | Permissions assigned to this role |
groups | Object[] (see below for sub fields) | Groups defined in this team |
groups.$.name | String | Name of the group |
groups.$.members | String[] | Array with the ids of the users in this group |
defaultRole | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the role which is the default role for new members |
interface | Object (see below for sub fields) | Interface settings |
interface.colors | Object (see below for sub fields) | Color settings |
interface.colors.primary | String | Primary color |
currency | Number | Currency of this team |
createdAt | Date | When was this team created |
createdBy | String (17 characters long) | Unique identifier of the user who has created this team |