Get the team

FieldPossible valuesDescription
_idString (17 characters long)Unique identifier
nameStringDisplay name of the team
contactIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the company contact of this team
usersObject[] (see below for sub fields)Users of this team
users.$.userIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user
users.$.contactIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the person contact assigned to this user
users.$.costRateNumberHourly cost rate of this user
users.$.roleIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the role assigned to this user
users.$.currentTaskIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the task on which the user in currently working on
users.$.workingHoursObject[] (see below for sub fields)Configured working hours of the user
users.$.workingHours.$.weekdayNumber (0-6)Weekday (Monday = 0)
users.$.workingHours.$.startNumberStart in Minutes, starting by 00:00.
Example: 540 = 09:00
users.$.workingHours.$.endNumberEnd in Minutes, starting by 00:00.
Example: 1080 = 18:00
rolesObject[] (see below for sub fields)Roles defined in this team
roles.$._idString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the role
roles.$.nameStringDisplay name of this role
roles.$.descriptionStringDescription of this role
roles.$.permissionsString[] (see example for possible values)Permissions assigned to this role
groupsObject[] (see below for sub fields)Groups defined in this team
groups.$.nameStringName of the group
groups.$.membersString[]Array with the ids of the users in this group
defaultRoleString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the role which is the default role for new members
interfaceObject (see below for sub fields)Interface settings
interface.colorsObject (see below for sub fields)Color settings
interface.colors.primaryStringPrimary color
currencyNumberCurrency of this team
createdAtDateWhen was this team created
createdByString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user who has created this team
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