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FieldPossible valuesDescription
_idString (17 characters long)Unique identifier
nameStringDisplay name of the project
individualIdStringIndividual identifier / Project number of the project
briefingStringBriefing of the project. Can be formatted with markdown
dueDateDateDue date of the project
contactIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the contact to which this project is assigned to
listIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the projects list to which this project is assigned to
orderNumberOrder in the projects list to which this project is assigned to
managerIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user who is the project manager
completedBooleanIndicates wether this project is completed or not
archivedBooleanIndicates wether this project is archived or not
billingObject (see below for sub fields)Billing settings
billing.accountingObject (see below for sub fields)Accounting settings
billing.accounting.typeNumberType of the accounting configuration for this project.
0: by service
1: by person
2: by hourlyRate (see billing.accounting.hourlyRate)
3: none
4: use settings of assigned contact
billing.accounting.hourlyRateNumberHourly rate for this project. Only applies if billing.accounting.type is 2
billing.budgetObject (see below for sub fields)Budget settings
billing.budget.typeNumberType of the budget configuration of this project.
0: by hours
1: by fees
4: hours per month
5: fees per month
6: use budget of assigned contact
100: none
billing.budget.hoursNumberBudget in hours. Only applies if billing.budget.type is 0 or 4
billing.budget.feesNumberBudget in fees. Only applies if billing.budget.type is 1 or 5
billing.usersObject[] (see below for sub fields)Custom accounting configuration by users
billing.users.$.userIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user
billing.users.$.hourlyRateNumberIf this user create time entries assigned to the project, this hourly rate will be applied
billing.servicesObject[] (see below for sub fields)Custom accounting configuration by services$.serviceIdString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the service$.billableBooleanIndicates wether time entries, assigned to the project and this service are billable$.hourlyRateNumberIf a user create time entries assigned to the project and this service, this hourly rate will be applied
infoObject (see below for sub fields)Pre-aggregated information
info.timeBillableNumberBillable time in seconds
info.timeNotBillableNumberNot billable time in seconds
info.totalTimeNumberTotal tracked time in seconds
info.costsNumberCosts of tracked time
info.revenueNumberRevenue of tracked time
info.profitNumberProfit of tracked time
info.spentBudgetNumberSpent budget
info.remainingBudgetNumberRemaining budget
info.tasksCompletedNumberAmount of completed tasks
info.tasksOpenNumberAmount of open tasks
info.tasksTotalNumberTotal amount of tasks in this project
info.lastActivityDateDate of the latest activity in this project
info.billedTimesNumberAmount of billed times
info.unbilledTimesNumberAmount of unbilled times
info.contactNameStringName of the assigned customer
info.managerNameStringtName of the assigned manager
createdAtDateWhen was the project created
createdByString (17 characters long)Unique identifier of the user who created this project
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